Sydney Zoo and Wildlife

Hello! Allison here, writing to you about wildlife in Australia! It's a well-known fact that there is plenty of wildlife around Australia. Prior to moving here, I didn't believe I would have much interaction have with wildlife, as we would be living in the beachy eastern suburbs of Sydney. I'll admit that I've been proven wrong. It seems that Australians don't mind sharing their space with the wildlife all around them (whereas I typically do). First, some of the fun wildlife interactions. Two days in a row, we had lovely Rainbow Lorikeets visit my home office window. We'll constantly see these guys flying quickly overhead and their sharp chirps from the backyard trees. On two rainy afternoons, they stopped to say hello for a while and are absolutely gorgeous! While cats and dogs aren't typically defined as wildlife, most of our cat encounters are from pet cats, that prowl the neighborhood. Next, is wildlife in captivity. After several straight weekends of r...