Ferg's new job

Hello people,

I got a new job. 

So long are the days of MilkRun and riding my bike in the rain. It was good while it lasted but it was time for a change.

I first started looking for a job back in March and was doing interviews several days a week. After several rounds of technical and behavioral interviews, I was able to land a job! Let me tell you about it.     


Zoomin' to the office for my first day

The company I work for is Aginic. They are a "... diverse crew of creative data analysts, data scientists, designers, engineers, delivery coaches, and cloud technicians that love to combine our technical skills to solve problems". There are only around 100 people spread out between the headquarters in Brisbane, Sydney, and Melbourne. Everyone I have worked with thus far has been incredibly nice. They are a technical consulting company so the work is done on a project basis. My title is Senior Data Engineer, which means I get to use my knowledge of data and software engineering to help create solutions to data-related challenges. I'm only about 2 months in, so I'm still learning all the new tools needed to be truly effective.  

There are quite a few differences between where I am now and where I was at General Motors. Firstly, everyone seems to know everyone. I hate to use this corporate buzzword, but there does seem to be a familial vibe amongst the team. Everyone seems to enjoy each other, which makes meeting people easy. Another difference is the product we sell. At GM, they sell cars. Shocking, I know. At Aginic, we sell expertise in technology and data. It is in our company DNA to become skilled and experienced in the newest technical solutions in our industry. Things are run differently, at a company level, when technology becomes what we do. 

Let's talk about where the Sydney office is. It's located in a suburb named Waterloo, located a bit south of the CBD (Downtown Sydney). Only about a 20-minute scooter commute from Bondi. I usually go into the office around 2 days a week and work the other days from the at-home office. Allison and I share an office a few days a week, which is going smoothly. Come to think of it, we've been working in the same at-home office for over 2 years now. Wow, go us. 

Little map for some perspective.

Oh, something cool that Aginic does is a yearly company trip where everyone gets together for a few days. This year, we are going to Sunshine Coast, just a bit north of Brisbane. It will be a great time to get some in-person interactions with coworkers from other offices.

So, that's it. Happy times at the new job. Seems like a great place to grow both personally and professionally. 

Aussie fun fact: Maybe not distinctly "Aussie", but seafood is a big thing here. Look at what I had the opportunity to eat, octopus and chips!


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